Saturday, 18 January 2014

day 6

Gruff and grit, I think I quite like Dublin for all its rough edges. It doesn't seem like too much of a pretentious city. People don't dress dressy... they dress for warmth. They walk fast. I like how quiet they are on the bus.

The buildings remind me of Scotland. Walls of old posters, moss and stone. Little alleyways, pubs and people. Scratchy branches of barren trees. I hope to explore much more of the city, but in due time.

I've experienced a bit of the legendary Irish hospitality: I asked a few people to use their mobile phones to make a few calls. Most of them were pretty willing to lend it... although a few people did (pretend?) not to have their phones. Well.

Yesterday I found a place to rent out in Donnybrook. It's a really nice area – mostly residential and slightly upper crust. The studio I'm renting is a converted garage of sorts, nice and cozy, complete with bathroom and kitchenette. The landlady seems nice too, though she's a busy woman. Five sons she had to tend to. I'll be moving in this Sunday, hopefully I'll get some pictures in by then.

Then I went to ucd for the first time. Walked over from my studio-to-be. The campus felt so spacious. It probably would feel less so on Monday when everyone comes in for lessons. Ucd is really grey too. Something about the cold winter air gives the place a sleek icy feel.

Ucd even has a lake in the middle of campus. It's like the silvery soul of the uni. I can foresee having many cold chicken wrap lunches by this lake.

Speaking of uni, I'm really looking forward to classes. Fortunately almost all them are in the same building. I'm still figuring out where some lecture halls/ classrooms are though. I'll find my way.

Other than that, things are, as they say here, grand.

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