Thursday, 16 January 2014

day 4

Hello Dublin! Besides the rather cold welcome, Ireland has been really nice.

I'm staying with a couple of friends from church at the moment, the O'Brien's. They've been very kind to keep me warm and well-fed.

I think I've caught up on half a year's sleep since coming. I can't tell if it's the winter chill or simply a deep seated exhaustion, but I've slept a good twelve to thirteen hours through for the past three nights. So shiok.

Explored a bit of the town yesterday. I live in an area called Finnstown. Don't know who Finn is, but I might go look it up later. I also took a bus to the city to walk around a bit. Didn't get very far though, since it was starting to get dark (read: cold), so I left early.

Yes and very importantly I had a look around the local supermarkets. I love the supermarkets, not only because I love food, but it tells you so much about how people live. Compared to the standard fare in Singapore, there was a lot of meat here. Lots of hams and pre-seasoned cuts and fillets. Fresh bread. The milk here is really yummy too.

The 'foreign foods' section is very telling too. There was mainly Asian and Italian staples: rice, pasta, and the associated condiments. Didn't expect to find pasta outside of the local staple. Looks like people here are serious about their potatoes.

Also, my host had eggs delivered to her door today. Probably from a local farm. But even that's new for me. Actually speaking of which I don't remember the egg section at SuperQuinns. Should check it out again.

Thankfully I got back in time for dinner, good ol' spaghetti bolognaise, before having the mid-week meeting. I met most of the saints here for the first time. The meeting went well, with lots of jokes and laughter. I quite like it here.

I was supposed to head out again today, but decided to stay home to settle some banking issues and stuff. Oh and I managed to contact a landlady offering a promising place to rent. I'm checking it out tomorrow. Hopefully all works out well.

Since I'll be heading all the way to the other end of Dublin I'll probably drop by ucd and check the place out. I should pick up my student card and stuff too. Excited!

I think that pretty much covers my trip since my arrival... Going to catch up with a friend over dinner tonight. Good evening all.

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