Tuesday, 11 February 2014

day 30

It snowed today! My first snow. It was pretty amazing. I stood out in the garden for a good ten minutes smiling to myself like a child. My landlady saw me from inside her house and waved. She must think I'm a crazy Asian.

The backyard that I live in, with snow

The snow slowed down eventually... It was snow drizzling for the rest of the evening after.

Real snow on fake grass

Sigh, so happy. It's been a really eventful weekend too! On Saturday, Jamie, Siobhan and I went out. Visited the history museum, which was quite interesting. I rushed through the end of it though, because the other two were getting hungry. I'll have to go back there some day.

Later that evening we went back to the O'Brien's. Anthony and Rachael came over and we played Cranium. That was super fun too.

Sunday was church, as usual.

I skipped school on Monday to go to Howth with Jamie and Siobhan. Totally worth it. Howth was beautiful. We hiked along the coast for a solid hour or so before getting the best fish and chips I've ever had. Howth definitely warrants another visit. I'll let the pictures talk:

Kids, this is where fish and chips come from

Check out the old guy being tough in his speedos

An Irish rock and my shadow

A Dutch and an Aussie

Where the heavens meet earth

This picture hardly measures up to the experience

There was more I wanted to write about but it's getting late. Don't want to oversleep again tomorrow. I've had a few of those mornings recently, and they weren't nice.

Good night.

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