Saturday, 31 May 2014


Clearly I've given up on counting the days. The backlog of writing I have to do for this blog is simply shameful. I don't even think I have pictures for everything.

Moaning aside. I'm in Finland now! This is really exciting for me. For a long time now I've promised myself to see this place. So I landed myself in a farm in Tampere. Basically it's a work and stay arrangement. Work hasn't started yet. I'll write more about it next time.

My host just had graduation party for their son. Apparently it's a thing here. People celebrate graduations from secondary school and pre-u... Some of the guests that came were pretty dressed up too. The biggest celebration is when someone gets his PHd.

Other than that it's been a rather quiet day for me. Work probably starts tomorrow. I'll write about my previous trips too. Promise!

Monday, 19 May 2014

day 127

I'm a bit ashamed of my hiatus... It's been nearly a month since I last posted. Things have been really busy. Coming back from Holland I had a bunch of assignments, followed by two weeks of exams which just ended on Saturday. I also made a short trip to Wales last week! That was really beautiful. I need to get back into the habit of writing again. I promise to write more about Hungary/ Croatia/ Netherlands/ Wales in a bit, and get some pictures up too. Right now I'm packing my bags for London! More soon.